About the town

Bílovec town is located in Silesia in the northern part of the Nový Jičín District in the Moravian-Silesian Region and is a part of the nature park Oderské vrchy. It is situated on the banks of the Bílovka River, elevation is 243m (797 ft). The population of Bílovec (including integrated parts — Stará Ves, Bravinné, Výškovice, Lubojaty and Lhotka) counts over 7.5 thousand inhabitants.

Bílovec’s location in the middle of the triangle Ostrava – Opava – Nový Jičín is strategic maily because of good transportation to Ostrava, Bohumín or Brno (motorway D1, railway: Bílovec – Studénka – Ostrava).

Bílovec, or Wagstadt in German, was a vassal town. The exact day of establishment is not known today, but we can determine its formation between the years 1316–1324, when the dominion was under the rule of Vok of Kravaře.

There are all civic amenities in the town — a hospital, clinic, kindergarten, elementary and high school, library, restaurants, shops and there are also sports centers too for activities such as squash, bowling, swimming and various excersises. The town also has several cultural clubs and institutions, as well as sports and physical education associations such as Czech Tourist Club, TJ Spartak (table tennis, volleyball, chess, yoga organization, FC Bílovec) and others.

Tourists appreciate the Renaissance town hall with Gothic cellars, picturesque town square and town housesSt. Nicolas church with observation tower, museum and chateau. Unique is also a giant chess board placed on the square, whose area is 8 per 8 meters. Visitors can try this game right in the heart of the town.

Micro-region Bílovecko offers attractive walking and cycling routes. Cycle route no. 6011 Bartošovice — Polanka n. Odrou leads through the town as well as cycle route no. 4 Poodří — Ostrava — Vítkovice, Ostrava-Svinov. The routes are moderately challenging. You can also use one of four walking circuits (blue no. 17: Bílovec — Fulnek; yellow no. 52: Bílovec — Studénka; yellow no. 45 Bílovec — Panský mlýn).

All detailed information about the town can be found on its website.

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